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                                                           April 14, 2004 Cat Company Incorporated


         The CatShip Recently cleared abandoned space and is (still) experiencing electrical problems. Just in case you didn't know, the Dagon Is stuck in a huge asteroid field and is completely and utterly lost with no network connection. When the catship gets in range, it will activate it's network repeater and expand the signal just in the Dagon's reach, giving it heading controls and allowing it to escape. The M.S.S. Echo (the Mastercompany ship we rescued, still docked to the struggling Dagon) is almost repaired and ready to launch, making travel much easier for the Dagon. Meanwhile, the TrojanX is still searching for the TrojanX Galactica, and the rest of the Enterprise robotics corp. Until next time, President Victor Rossi of the Cat Company Inc. (part of the Galactic alliance) signing off.


April 19, 2004


The Dagon finally got out of the asteroid field, rondevouing with the Catship minutes later. Unfortunately, the Dagon had experienced more damage then we thought. After the Catship's power failed (again) the extra strain of the Dagon not only pulling the Catship, but powering it (the Catship's power grid was completely shot) was too much.After massive system failures, the Dagons antimatter containment field collapsed and the ship was destroyed. Normally this would be a tragedy, But the Catship does have the power to go back in time. After saving the Dagon, we decided, for many reasons, to donate the Dagon to its captain and crew, and help start an "exploring" addition to the Catcompany. To replace the Dagon, we have begun a new ship project, code named "traveler" no information is being relesed at this time.

-Victor Rossi

                                                                             April 30, 2004


I's underway! Project Traveler has begun and we are making great progress. The ship, which is to be fifteen miles in length is going to be named the Skannar. Because of enhanced Construction methods we have already installed the engines and all the windows, most of the wiring. Although the ship may be completed on the outside, the inside is only frames. Since we are very ahead of schedule, the ship will be moved to Scitron(the new CSB and Science base in one) to have systems installed on May 1. We expect the Skannar to be completed by the end of June. As for the M.s.s. Echo, we are making it usable and plan to recover the water-logged(The ship was flooded, reasons still unknown)data base and learn as much about Del's Master Company as possible.

-Victor Rossi


May 20, 2004


    Project traveler is almost complete. We are massively ahead of sceduale and our goal of july first is very reasonable.Most of the inside of the ship is complete(the wiring, decks, and plumbing)but there is still more to be done(gas lines, terminals, networking, ext.) But we have some good news to cancel out the excitement of the Skannar. Strange stuff has been going on in the Galactic Alliance and we fear that a retaliation among the high ranking officers might leave the star ship Galactica Titanica in the wrong hands.This ship is much larger and more powerful than all of the Catcompany's current force and makes the completion of the Skannar much more important.

-Victor Rossi

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