Server upgrades, more downtime

2016-07-21 by vertigo

Some of you may have noticed that the server's dropped offline a few times recently. I've moved to a new condo, upgraded my internet speed, got new network hardware, and now it's time to address some of the problems with Nebula Core. To ensure no data is lost during the upcoming hardware change I've replaced some of the aging drives in the system and backed up all of the user data. So no need to worry about that.

So what am I doing exactly? Well, I've decided to step up to a real server platform - albeit a slightly older one, to suit my budget. The current low power Intel SoC platform I'm using has been great, but limited PCIe bandwidth has really hindered storage performance and expandability more than I anticipated. The new system will feature Xeon processors, IPMI (so I can more easily address errors remotely), much faster memory performance, and (most importantly) 10-gigabit networking. Page load times should decrease slightly, read/write performance should increase substantially (especially for LAN clients), and the system will have enough power to handle some new features I have planned (Plex transcoding, for example). What this means to you, as a Nebula Core user, is a bit more downtime. It'll take me awhile to get the new system fully configured, and I'll likely be working out minor issues for at least a week afterward.

Another announcement, and something that's been a long time coming, is the transition from to Catserver will continue to exist as it is now, but users of the server's various services will more easily be able to access them, and check their status, from Expect web-based file management and a few other neat things, which should be finished this summer. Maybe, hopefully. You know how that goes.

Thanks for your patience!
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