2012-08-06: For those people experiencing the Window 8 web browser (Chrome) crash on Intel hardware...◄
1. Chrome becomes unresponsive. You may still be able to click on tabs, but pages wont scroll/refresh.
2. If task manager is opened, it usually reports higher than average CPU usage. You will not be able to end Chrome's task. Task manager will them become increasingly unresponsive.
3. If Explorer or Desktop is opened, files and folders can be interacted with (selected) but not opened. This continues for about a minute.
4. If Metro is opened, tiles will be selectable (with animation) but will not respond. At this point Metro usually can't be closed.
5. Between 30 seconds and a minute later, the computer will stop responding entirely and a physical reset is required.
If this has been happening to you, here are a few things to take note of:
* Installing the Intel Chipset software is highly recommended. For me, however, this drivers seem to disappear after each restart. The drivers must be present for my HDMI audio to function, making this both apparent and annoying.
* It's also highly recommended that you do not use the Windows WDDM drivers for your graphics hardware that install automatically with Windows. This applies to both Intel graphics and Nvidia graphics accelerators, which both seem to cause substantial problems when using these drivers. The Nvidia Windows 8 Consumer Preview drivers work fine in RP, install these.
* Don't be hesitant to try different browsers. Many have experienced extreme reductions in crash frequency by doing this. Unfortunately, the most stable browser at the moment seems to be Internet Explorer 10. Ironic.
* It was suggested by one forum user that setting your MIN/MAX processor state in your Windows power plan to equal levels (between 50 and 70 percent) will solve the problem. This is due to some problem with C-States, a bios setting pertaining to processor power management that usually can't be disabled in mobile computers. If you're savvy enough to access your BIOS and search around (and disable) C-States, this may be an option for you.
* Oddly enough, my computer never seems to crash under heavy load. If you're getting desperate, try running a CPU intensive application in the background, or running a game on a secondary monitor. This will keep the computer working, and may help.
* Lastly, if all else fails, install Windows 7. No use beating yourself up over a problem in a pre-release OS.
I hope this can be of help to someone, and if anyone has found a definite solution to this, let me know. I'd love to post it :)
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