So it's been three years...and I've done nothing?

2015-02-13 by vertigo

Yes. That is absolutely true. After my ambition waned, Nebula CMS (the system meant to be the core of the next major Catserver iteration) remained unfinished after months of work. Unwilling to simply build another functionally incomplete site, my work on Catserver (And Nebula Foundry, Phoenix Server, Veriblog...) ceased with it. That, in addition to a further focus towards my obsession with just "playing with hardware", lead to the vast majority of my web projects getting abandoned. If history is any indication, however, that wasn't to be a permanent affair and, as you can clearly see, here I am once more.

So, the question is, am I actually going to do anything this time? Well, probably not much. Here's my plan:

First, I need to build something that doesn't look so half-assed and dated. This will be Nebula Core, a very basic site serving as a services portal to my new, ultra low power home server (carrying on Catserver's tradition of typically being home operated). I'm not planning on going crazy with this - a few game servers, like Minecraft, and a personal file store. That's it. Eventually I'll build Nebula Foundry, which is SUPPOSED to by a place for me to post things I do creatively, not to imply I actually do that much. I have no time frame for this.

My overly ambitious dream of turning Catserver into a sort of social networking/file sharing/blogging/professional site is just that: completely unrealistic for a hobbyist like myself. I know, I know...such a disappointment right? Well, honestly it is, but it'd rather have a basic, useful site than a broken and um...rather garish one, like this.

So that's that. Catserver continues. Hurray! Twelve years and still no finished products; let the tradition continue!
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