Site Settings



Sorry, Site themes are not available at the moment. They have to be updated for compatibility with CSO 7.5.

Designed for mobile devices, systems running Internet Explorer 6 or older, or systems running 800x600 or lower desktop resolution.

Designed for systems running any browser other than Internet Explorer and with a desktop resolution of 1024x768 or higher.

Previously unreleased, Catserver 6.5 is now available as a fully IE7 compatible visual style for CSO7.

The primary Catserver 7 style, works in all current version browsers and displays well at any resolution higher than 1024x768, although it can be squeezed into 800x600 if necessary.

Colors and style(CSO 7 Only)

Sorry, Colors and style settings are currently down while they are upgraded to work with the new CSO 7.5 CSS.
styleRed Style: Default Site Theme.

styleBlue Style: Blue and Gray.

styleGreen Style: Green and pretty.

styleDark Space: Gray, black, and invaded.

styleSins of a Solar Empire: A theme entirely inspired by one of the greatest RTS games of all time, Sins of a Solar Empire.

styleZelda: Zelda theme by Catserver affiliate Dingoeatingfuzz.


Want to create your own Catserver 7 Armor style? Get the files you need and read a simple set of guidelines and instructions here.

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